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Jain, R. (2013). Practitioner Research as Dissertation: Exploring the Continuities between Practice and Research in a Community College ESL Classroom. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park.

Committee: Dr. Linda Valli, Chair; Drs. Megan Peercy, Melinda Martin-Beltran, Jennifer Turner, and Hannah Mawhinney  


Book Chapters

  • Jain, R. (forthcoming). Deepening the Dialectic between Theory and Practice Through a Transnationally and Translingually Responsive Pedagogy: Insights from a Practitioner Research Study. In de Oliveira, L., Coombe, C., & Saleh, R. (Eds., under contract). Handbook of Professional Learning and Development in Global Language Education Contexts.

  • Jain, R. & Canagarajah, S. (forthcoming). A Collaborative Autoethnography About Mentor-Menteeship (Re)imagined: Redefining the Guru and the Shishyaa in the 21st Century. In Trinh, E., de Oliveira, L., Selvi, A. F. (Eds., under contract) Multilingual leadership in TESOL. New York: Routledge. 

  • Jain, R. (2020). (Re)Imagining Myself as a Translingual, a Transnational, and a Pracademic: A Critical Autoethnographic Account. In B. Yazan, S. Canagarajah, & R. Jain (Eds.), Autoethnographies in ELT: Transnational Identities, Pedagogies, and Practices (pp. 109-127). New York: Routledge. 

  • Oxford, R. L. & Jain, R. (2010). ‘Assumptions and Realities Surrounding Non-Native English Speakers and Non-native English Speaking Teachers: Processes, Language, and Lessons from a Graduate Course on World Englishes’ in A. Mahboob (Ed.) The NNEST Lens: Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

  • Oxford, R. L., Meng, Y., Yalun, Z., Sung, J., & Jain, R. (2007). ‘Uses of Adversity: Moving Beyond L2 Learning Crisis’ in A. Barfield & S. Brown (Eds.) Reconstructing Autonomy in Language Education: Inquiry and Innovation. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 


Book Review

  • Jain, R. (2013). Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations by Suresh Canagarajah. [Invited book review for Special Issue: Plurilingualism in TESOL]. TESOL Quarterly. 47(3).

Encyclopedia Articles (invited)

  • Jain, R. (2023). Global Englishes. In L. M. Barker, D. Gorlewski, J. Gorlewski, & C. Miller (Eds.), Encyclopedia of English Language Arts Education (pp. 131-137). Brill.

  • Jain, R. (2018). Alternative Terms and Acronyms: NNEST. In J. Liontas (Ed.), TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. 

  • Mahboob, A., & Jain, R. (2017). Bilingual Education in India and Pakistan. In Encyclopedia of Language and Education (3rd ed., Vol. 5). Springer.

Journal Articles

  • Jain, R. (forthcoming). (Re)imagining 'English Learners' as Transnational, Translingual, and Transracial English Speakers: Insights from a Single Subject Case Study at a Superdiverse Community College. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices. (Special Issue: Reimagining Language Education through Critical Language Awareness).

  • Jain, R. (2023). ‘So what English do I speak, really?’: An inquiry into a transnational-translingual pracademic’s raciolinguistic entanglements and transraciolinguistic transgressions. TESOL Journal 

  • Jain, R., KC, M., & Karki, T. (2023). Raciolinguistic Entanglements and Transraciolinguistic Transgressions: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Three South-Asian TESOLers in the US. Journal of Education, Language, and Ideology. (1) 1. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8365033

  • Jain, R. (2022). Translingual‐identity‐as‐pedagogy: Problematizing monolingually oriented “native‐nonnative” identity constructions through critical dialogues in EAP classrooms. TESOL Journal, 13(3), e666.

  • Jain, R. (2014). Global Englishes, Translingual Practices, and Translinguistic Identities in a Community College ESL Classroom: A Practitioner Researcher Reports. TESOL Journal (Special Issue: Critical Crossroads: Investigating Nonnativeness, Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in an Era of World Englishes).

  • Motha, S., Jain, R., & Tecle, T. (2012). Translinguistic Identity-As-Pedagogy: Implications for Language Teacher Education in the International Journal of Innovation in English Language Teaching and Research, (1) 1. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Publishers.

Newsletter Articles

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