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Manuscript Reviewer

Asian Englishes 2022

Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 2023

Composition Forum 2020

Journal of Language, Identity, and Education 2018-2019, 2023

Language and Education 2023

Language Teaching Research 2023

The New Educator 2022

TESOL Journal 2021, 2022, 2023

TESOL Quarterly 2020, 2022, 2023

Member, National Screening Committee, Fulbright U.S. Student Program 2016-2019, 2022

Served on the committee for Fulbright U.S. Student English Language Teaching Assistantships to Nepal, India, and/or Sri Lanka, for a period of three years. The process involved reading and rating approximately 30-75 applications prior to meeting with fellow committee members and recommending a limited number of candidates for further consideration.

Faculty Associate, Global Humanities Institute, Montgomery College 2017-2019

Served as a faculty associate in the Global Humanities Institute at the College and, in that capacity, also serves as a co-liaison for Fulbright programs at the Rockville Campus to create opportunities and support for those seeking Fulbright fellowships

Proposal Reviewer

VIU: Viriginia International University 2018

Invited reviewer for the VIU Conference on Language, Learning, and Culture

AERA: American Educational Research Association 2012 Committee on Scholars of Color in Education, SIG-Postcolonial Studies and Education, SIG-Second Language Research, Division C - Learning and Instruction Section 1a: Literacy, SIG-Second Language Research

TESOL: Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages 2010, 2011, 2015

Non-native English Speaking Teachers (NNEST) Interest Section





Project Steward and Projects' Coordinator, Asha DC Jan. 2015 – Aug. 2019

Coordinated and stewarded three key India-based projects supported by Asha DC—the Jagriti Bal Vikas Samiti-Lodhar School, the Ek Kadam/Apna Ghar, and the Mahesh Pandey Fellowship. As the steward, I acted as a liaison between the project and Asha, and I was also responsible for communicating relevant happenings and decisions from each group to the other. During my tenure, I ensured that funds were disbursed to the three projects in a timely manner.


Chapter Coordinator, Asha DC Jan. 2016 – Jan. 2017

Ensured that chapter as whole functioned well and there was proper communication between the various functional areas; took lead in setting overall goals for the chapter and kept track of them over the year; ensured that there was a growing core base of volunteers for the chapter throughout the year; organized chapter meetings, set agenda and led discussions; and coordinated with other chapters and Asha-wide coordination team. During my year as the chapter coordinator, I brought three projects under Asha DC's stewardship and ensured that sufficient funds were raised to support these projects.


Program Coordinator, Team Asha DC April 2015 – Dec. 2016

Facilitated Asha’s partnership with Marathon Charity Cooperation for successful participation in the Alexandria Running Festival, the Marine Corps’ Marathon and the Baltimore Running Festival.


Runner and Fundraiser, Team Asha DC April 2011 – March 2012

Completed a 6-months’- long training program and participated successfully in the Marine Corps’ Marathon 2011, raising funds for the Lodhar school in Uttar Pradesh, India.


Runner and Fundraiser, Association for India’s Development (AID) 2006

Completed a 6-months’- long training program and participated successfully in the Marine Corps’ Marathon 2006, raising more than $2000 in for an educational project serving tribal children in Gujarat, supported by AID.

© 2023 Rashi Jain

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